Digital Playbill for The International Pastime

Thanks for coming to our world premiere! Scroll down for trailers, character info, and our special thanks. We’re paperless, baby! 😊

With love,
Computer Drama


Logan (Brian Pagán)

The Consultant. 30s, brilliant, handsome, built, well dressed. He comes in on his first day full of idealism and excitement about working for the Organization.

Topher (Bobby Makariev)

The Jock. 30s Bulgarian, handsome, muscular. Topher drinks voraciously and is always more or less a bit sloshed during work. Topher is a bit of slag, having slept with most of the people who work at the Organisation.

Vijayalakshmi (Bryony Cole)

The Project Assistant. Late 20s, mixed British/Indian decent. Pretty, smart, stylish and absolutely bonkers. She is Esmeralda’s right hand.

Deleeza (Delphine Ural)

The Project Manager. She is the heart and soul of the Organization. Funny, sweet, friendly and a touch jaded by her long career working at a place designed to do nothing.

Esmeralda (Alyssa Wagner)

The Boss. 30s, dresses like she’s 16. Always in the latest trend. Only wears designer clothes 2 sizes too small.

Anastasia (Julia Landau)

The Big Boss. Late 40s/early 50s, Russian, a cougar. She is beautiful, hard and cold like the Siberian winters from her youth. She is single, lonely, and always on the prowl for sex/companionship.

PaTricia (Beatriz Ramos Vaquero)

The CPA. Spanish, late 20s. She is a big girl who covers up her unhappiness with her body with humor and personality. As the result of her insecurity and denial of her body issues, she never sees things as they really are.

James (Francis Cox)

The Subject Matter Expert. James is British, camp, very attractive, mid 30s, a natty dresser. He is working class. His mother taught him the posh English accent to mask his humble origins.

The Organization

The organization is also a character. It is omnipresent, talked about constantly and has a life and character of it’s own: a sprawling, rich global enterprise, as pointless as it is overstaffed. Si nihil fit, autem nihil fit.


Anton Nezabravkov – Writer, Director, Executive Producer
Brian Pagán – Producer
Muge Ergecen – Production Manager
Teodor Georgiev – Online Marketing
Hester Bruikman-Pagán – Ticket Host
Ozlem Micoogullari – Production assistant
Murat Gür – Set Construction
Ipek Ergecen – VIP host

Special Thanks

Het Amsterdams Theaterhuis: our amazing house

Jaap Stuurman: marketing guru and our great friend

Kilian Schwengele: casting genius

G3B Studios: great film-making team

Hair & Makeup by Tjorven

Dana, at The Amsterdamian: wonderful expat blogger and photographer

Hotel Alp de Veenen: beautiful hotel & film location

Ana, at Amsterdive: cool Amsterdam expat blog

Let’s Stay In Touch!