Vijayalakshmi’s Trailer: 4 of 8

Bryony Cole as Vijayalakshmi
Bryony ColeBryony Cole is a British actress and writer from Sheffield, based in Amsterdam. She is the co-Director of Actors Anonymous (@actors_anonymous_nl): an International theatre company based in Amsterdam who enjoyed a sold out run of their first production Becky Shaw in February this year. She is also a part of the award-winning performance collective Balloons Theatre (@balloonstheatre) who have enjoyed international success, including performances at Edinburgh Fringe, Prague Fringe and Amsterdam Fringe Festival.

Shows & Tickets

Location: Het Amsterdams Theaterhuis

Click on a show to get your tickets.

📅 Friday Evening - 5 October @ 20:30

📅 Saturday Afternoon - 6 October @ 14:30

📅 Saturday Evening - 6 October @ 20:30

📅 Sunday Afternoon - 7 October @ 14:30