Deleeza’s Trailer: 3 of 8

“Trop mignon!”

Delphine Ural as Deleeza
Delphine UralDelphine Ural is a French Veterinary surgeon who recently relocated to Amsterdam and who always had a passion for theater. She performed in various french and english speaking productions through her travelling across Europe. Since her arrival in Amsterdam she took part in Nymph Errant, Burried child, La Maison de Bernarda Alba and recently Allegro

Shows & Tickets

Location: Het Amsterdams Theaterhuis

Click on a show to get your tickets.

📅 Friday Evening - 5 October @ 20:30

📅 Saturday Afternoon - 6 October @ 14:30

📅 Saturday Evening - 6 October @ 20:30

📅 Sunday Afternoon - 7 October @ 14:30


Music: Jazz In Paris – Media Right Productions: