It’s going to knock your socks off ya schmucks!

Rehearsals are in full swing as we count down the months until our performance of International Pastime and I couldn’t be more excited! As we each dive deeper in to our characters and build our characters relationships with each other the more this play comes to life and the more difficult it is to keep a straight face.

Everyone is equally hilarious as they are talented in this show. The writing is incredibly dynamic and witty and having the honor of playing an outrageous character has been an absolute delight. There is so much love and trust within this group of gifted actors that each one of us is committed to our role and to the comedy that lies within its truth.

It’s thus far been an incredible process and I cannot wait for everyone to see the final product, it’s going to knock your socks off ya schmucks!

Alyssa Wagner as Esmeralda
Alyssa WagnerAlyssa Wagner is an American actress, originally from Colorado but a proud Amsterdammer for four years. She has performed in many English-language productions here, including Antigone, The Ingenious Mind, Bombshells, Nymph Errant, & One Table, Two Chairs. Alyssa is a classically trained singer, educated in the Los Angeles acting method and improv comedy.

Shows & Tickets

Location: Het Amsterdams Theaterhuis

Click on a show to get your tickets.

📅 Friday Evening - 5 October @ 20:30

📅 Saturday Afternoon - 6 October @ 14:30

📅 Saturday Evening - 6 October @ 20:30

📅 Sunday Afternoon - 7 October @ 14:30