After years of making money and shallow self interest, Logan decides to start making a difference. He arrives for his first day at the Organisation, an international non-profit, with thousands of staff world-wide, on a mission to “Save the World.” He quickly realizes the truth, but resistance is futile…
Or is it?
The Organisation knows all. The Organisation knows best.
World Premiere
Click here for photos from our world premiere at Het Amsterdams Theaterhuis!

Brian Pagán, Producer as Logan

Brian comes to us from the US, but he’s spent the last two decades moving around Europe, designing digital products & speaking at conferences, before co-founding Computer Drama. Since 2013, he performs in short films, commercials, & theatre productions. Brian’s work explores our superpowers, at the intersection between technology & humanity.
Bobby Makariev as Topher

Bobby Makariev originally comes from Bulgaria, but has been living in the Netherlands since 2007. He has a Bachelor's degree in Business & Management and a Master's degree in Art & Theatre from the University of Groningen. In the past years he has been seen in various theatre productions, short films, and commercials. He just finished filming a role in his first full-length feature film
Red Heart, Blank Face, and next to this, he is also one of the Lead Actors of The Amsterdam Dungeon where he can be seen performing a few times every week.
Alyssa Wagner as Esmeralda

Alyssa Wagner is an American actress, originally from Colorado but a proud Amsterdammer for four years. She has performed in many English-language productions here, including
The Ingenious Mind,
Nymph Errant, &
One Table, Two Chairs. Alyssa is a classically trained singer, educated in the Los Angeles acting method and improv comedy.
Bryony Cole as Vijayalakshmi

Bryony Cole is a British actress and writer from Sheffield, based in Amsterdam. She is the co-Director of Actors Anonymous (@actors_anonymous_nl): an International theatre company based in Amsterdam who enjoyed a sold out run of their first production
Becky Shaw in February this year. She is also a part of the award-winning performance collective Balloons Theatre (@balloonstheatre) who have enjoyed international success, including performances at Edinburgh Fringe, Prague Fringe and Amsterdam Fringe Festival.
Julia Landau as Anastasia

Julia studied music, theater and classic ballet in Moscow. In 2012, she moved to the Netherlands and started working on Meisner and on-camera acting with Debby Mulholland. In 2015-2017, she was part of an improv team Improv-able in Utrecht. Over the past few years, she’s done some short films, worked on a feature-length film,
The Writers' club, and performed plays in Nijmegen & Amsterdam. Apart from acting, she plays piano and guitar, rides horses, and does pole dancing. Oh, she’s also doing a PhD in brain-computer interfaces.
Francis Cox as James

Francis Cox is a British native and has lived in Amsterdam for 23 years. He has been a professional actor for eight years, studying with several teachers. He has appeared in TV shows, commercials, corporate videos and a number of short films including
Chasing Windmills and
Shiro. Theatre work includes
Treading the Abyss,
Mother Courage and Her Children,
Antigone and a one-man show,
Diary of a Madman.
Beatriz Ramos Vaquero as Patricia

Beatriz is a Spanish actress and engineer, based in Eindhoven since 2014.
In 2017, she decided to follow her passion for acting by joining several acting, improv, and storytelling courses. Beatriz made her debut on the stage in 2018 with the storytelling play
Dutch dreams. She took part in KinoKabaret Holland 2018, playing in the short films
Soy un cyborg, es ok? and
8. She is a member of the Parktheater International Storytelling group in Eindhoven.
Delphine Ural as Deleeza

Delphine Ural is a French Veterinary surgeon who recently relocated to Amsterdam and who always had a passion for theater. She performed in various french and english speaking productions through her travelling across Europe. Since her arrival in Amsterdam she took part in
Nymph Errant,
Burried child,
La Maison de Bernarda Alba and recently
AllegroSusan C. Bennett as the voice of Siri
The original voice of Siri, Susan is a voice actor and singer whose voice has also appeared on hundreds of radio and TV commercials for such clients as McDonald’s, Macy’s, Goodyear, Papa John’s, Fisher Price and more. She is the voice of Delta Airlines gates worldwide, as well as hundreds of GPS and phone systems.
Muge Ergecen, Stage Manager
Muge Ergecen is an actor, chorist & seasoned IT manager. She considers stage management the ideal blend of her professıonal & artistic ınterests. Muge acted in Oedıpus Rex & Antigone, staged in Amsterdam ın 2015 & 2016. She is a member of the reART choir collective, where she performed as a chorist at Holland Festival and various concerts in Amsterdam & Utrecht.
Teodor Georgiev, Online Marketing
Teodor Georgiev is from Bulgaria. But for the fourth year, he lives in Munich, Germany where he deals with communications sciences & sociology. The combination of the two sciences awakens his love for advertising, & he's begining to deal independently with promoting all sorts of brands, businesses, and events in the fields of social media & social responsibility.
Anton Nezabravkov, writer, director, & Executive Producer
Anton grew up on a cherry orchard in the middle of nowhere, USA. A geek by profession, Anton moved to Amsterdam in the late 90s. It was this move, exposing him to the new Old world that unleashed a creative current in him. Entrepreneur, actor, writer, musician, director, athlete – Anton loves to play and explore new things. He holds a mirror up to the world and shows us what he sees, without judgment - telling stories filled with heart, humor and an honest look at the perplexing world around us.